Pemimpin Redaksi : Hairuzaman
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Rumah Sakit Universitas Brawijaya (RSUB) menjadi tuan rumah pelaksanaan pertama uji klinis fase 3 dari inovasi terbaru pengobatan Parkinsonism, yaitu injeksi intravena gelembung nano hidrogen. Penelitian hasil kolaborasi Institut Molekul Indonesia (IMI), RSUB dan RAHO Club sebagai sponsor tunggal pendanaan penelitian.
Harapan besar pada teknologi ini sebagai terobosan modern dalam terapi komplementer bagi pasien penyakit neurodegeneratif tersebut yang ditandai penurunan fungsi sel saraf yang progresif.. Penderita Parkinsonism di seluruh dunia saat ini lebih dari 6,1 juta orang. Inovasi gelembung nano hidrogen menunjukkan hasil efektif memperbaiki kesehatan pasien Parkinsonism dengan mekanisme yang lebih mendalam.
Seremonial uji klinis fase 3 itu telah diresmikan September 2024 lalu oleh Rektor Universitas Brawijaya sekaligus penasihat IMI, Prof. Widodo, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.Med.Sc. Prof. Widodo menegaskan, penelitian itu makin mengukuhkan posisi RSUB sebagai rumah sakit pendidikan yang berkontribusi dalam penelitian dan pengembangan ilmu kesehatan, disamping pelayanan kesehatan berkualitas.
Hadir tim dokter peneliti Parkinsonism di RSUB ; dr. Siti Nurlaela, Sp.S, dr. Aris Widayati, Sp.S, dr. Novita Titis Harbiyanti, Sp.S, dan dr. An Nisaa Novrizka Sari, Sp.N dari RSUB, serta Dr. dr. Emmy Endang, Sp.S, CIPS. dan dr. Aditya Tri Hernowo, Ph.D dari IMI, dengan dukungan mitra pakar dr. Eko Arisetijono, Sp.S(K).
Hadir pula tokoh penting IMI, diantaranya penasihat IMI Prof. Sutiman Bambang Sumitro, SU., D.Sc dan Prof. Dr. Aulanniāam, drh., DES, ketua RAHO Club Kan Eddy yang mensponsori penelitian sekaligus penasihat IMI, dan ketua IMI Prof. Akhmad Sabarudin, M.Sc, Dr.Sc., serta beberapa dokter peneliti senior IMI seperti dr. Subagjo, Sp.B, Sp.BTKV, Subsp.VE (K), FIATCVS, dan Dr. dr. P.W.M. Olly Indrajani, Sp.PD, dan dr. Saraswati, M.Psi., FIAS.
Ketua tim penelitian, dr. Siti Nurlaela, Sp.S, mengungkapkan, gebrakan IMI bersama RSUB dan RAHO Club itu gebrakan/revolusi dalam penanganan Parkinsonism. Bukan hanya mengendalikan gejalanya saja, melainkan memperbaiki kerusakan saraf yang terjadi.
āPenelitian ini merupakan gebrakan dalam tata laksana Parkinsonism, mengingat selama ini terapi hanya terbatas pada pengendalian gejala tanpa memperbaiki kerusakan saraf yang terjadiā, penegasan Sang Srikandi ilmuwan. Ditambahkannya, penelitian akan berlangsung di RSUB Malang selama satu tahun.
Menariknya, Ibu Kan Eddy, ketua RAHO Club, turut hadir. Parkinsonisme pernah menghantui wanita 84 tahun itu. Bertahun tahun dirinya nyaris tak bergeming dari tempat tidurnya. āKelinci percobaanā ketiga terapi gelembung nano hidrogen RAHO Club itu mengalami perbaikan signifikan kondisi kesehatannya. Bisa beraktivitas normal setelah beberapa kali diterapi gelembung nano hidrogen di RAHO Club.
Pengalaman pribadi yang menginspirasi itu tentunya memberikan motivasi tambahan bagi semua pihak yang terlibat dalam penelitian. Memperkuat keyakinan bahwa terapi itu berpotensi membawa perubahan positif bagi pasien Parkinsonism lainnya.
Keberhasilan penelitian terapi gelembung nano hidrogen RAHO Club akan membawa harapan baru bagi pasien yang berjuang melawan penyakit ini. Dan Lebih penting lagi, mencegah terjadinya Parkinsonism, menciptakan kualitas hidup positif dan memberi inspirasi bagi penelitian medis masa depan. Keluargapun tentunya juga akan teringankan.
*Phase 3 Clinical Trial of RAHO Club’s Hydrogen Nanobubbles at RSUB, Effective for Parkinson’s Disease Patients*
Universitas Brawijaya Hospital (RSUB) hosted the first Phase 3 clinical trial of the latest innovation in Parkinson’s disease treatment: intravenous injections of hydrogen nanobubbles. This research is a collaboration between the Indonesian Molecule Institute (IMI), RSUB, and RAHO Club as the sole funding sponsor.
There are high hopes for this technology as a modern breakthrough in complementary therapy for patients with neurodegenerative diseases, characterized by progressive decline in nerve cell function. Currently, there are over 6.1 million Parkinson’s disease patients worldwide. The hydrogen nanobubble innovation has shown effective results in improving the health of Parkinson’s patients through a more profound mechanism.
The Phase 3 clinical trial ceremony was inaugurated in September 2024 by the Rector of Universitas Brawijaya and IMI advisor, Prof. Widodo, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.Med.Sc. Prof. Widodo emphasized that this research further solidifies RSUB’s position as an educational hospital contributing to health research and development, in addition to providing quality healthcare services.
The Parkinson’s research team at RSUB included dr. Siti Nurlaela, Sp.S, dr. Aris Widayati, Sp.S, dr. Novita Titis Harbiyanti, Sp.S, and dr. An Nisaa Novrizka Sari, Sp.N from RSUB, along with Dr. dr. Emmy Endang, Sp.S, CIPS, and dr. Aditya Tri Hernowo, Ph.D from IMI, supported by expert partner dr. Eko Arisetijono, Sp.S(K).
Also present were key figures from IMI, including IMI advisors Prof. Sutiman Bambang Sumitro, SU., D.Sc, and Prof. Dr. Aulanniāam, drh., DES, RAHO Club Chairman Mr. Kan Eddy, who sponsored the research and is also an IMI advisor, and IMI Chairman Prof. Akhmad Sabarudin, M.Sc, Dr.Sc., along with several senior IMI researchers such as dr. Subagjo, Sp.B, Sp.BTKV, Subsp.VE (K), FIATCVS, and Dr. dr. P.W.M. Olly Indrajani, Sp.PD, and dr. Saraswati, M.Psi., FIAS.
The research team leader, dr. Siti Nurlaela, Sp.S, revealed that the collaboration between IMI, RSUB, and RAHO Club represents a breakthrough/revolution in the management of Parkinson’s disease. It not only controls symptoms but also repairs nerve damage.
“This research is a breakthrough in the management of Parkinson’s disease, considering that current therapies are limited to symptom control without addressing the underlying nerve damage,” emphasized the leading scientist. She added that the research will take place at RSUB Malang for one year.
Interestingly, mother of Mr. Kan Eddy, Chairman of RAHO Club, was also present. Parkinson’s disease once haunted this 84-year-old woman. For years, she was almost immobile in her bed. As the ‘third guinea pig’ for RAHO Club’s nano hydrogen bubble therapy, she experienced significant improvement in her health. She was able to resume normal activities after several sessions of hydrogen nanobubble therapy at RAHO Club.
This inspiring personal experience undoubtedly provided additional motivation for all parties involved in the research. It reinforced the belief that this therapy has the potential to bring positive changes to other Parkinson’s patients.
The success of RAHO Club’s hydrogen nanobubble therapy research will bring new hope to patients battling this disease. More importantly, it aims to prevent Parkinson’s disease, create a positive quality of life, and inspire future medical research. Families will also undoubtedly find relief.