Indonesian Banten Muslim Advocate Complains Israel to the ICC Regarding Genocide and Crimes Against Palestine

Reporter : Maman Suherman.                        Editor : Hairuzaman.


The Palestinian heath ministry has confirmed 11.800 Palestinians, including 4.609 children and 3.100 women, unalived by Israel brutal attack since October 7.

The Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed 28.200 wounded. It is also reported that 15 patients at Al-Shifa Hospital in northem Gaza have died, among them six newbornsdue to power cuts and shortages of medical supplies (13/11).

Israel airstrikes also targeted the Indonesian Hospital area located in Bait Lahiya, on Thursday night, November 9, 2023. This attack, confirmed Indonesia’s national intetests were threatened by the Israeli military aggression againt Gaza.

In this regard, we Indonesia Muslim Advocates Care for Palestine, state.

Indonesian Banten Muslim advocate, Julianto, SH, MH, accompanied by 52 advocates. while holding a Press Conference at the Le Dian Hotel, Serang City, on Friday (1/12/2023), said, First, that Israel’s barbaric action againts the Palestinian people in Gaza, have been categorized as Crimes of Genocide. Crimes Againts Humanity and War Crimes, as referred to in the provisions of Article 6, Article 7 and Article 8 of the Rome Statute.

“Therefor, we will file a complaint with the International Criminan of Court (ICC), so that the Public Prosecutor can evaluate our complaint, in order to immediately initiate an investigation into the Crimes of Genocide. Crimes Againts Humanity and War Crimes, committed by Israel againts the Palestinian people, under the provisions of Artocle 53 of the Rome STATUTE,” said Julianto.

Julianto explained, second, encaurage the government of the Republic of Indonesia to be more actively involved in suppirting the reamization of indeoendence for Palestine, as well as playing an active roke in creating world order and peace, while safeguarding Indonesia’s vital natiinal assets and interests in Palestine, by sending TNI Troops for for the purpose of safeguarding Indonesia’s national interests and being actively involved in realizing order and peace in Palestine

“Third, invite all muslim advocates, ulama, academics, figures, enterpreneurs, workers, youth and students, to be actively involved in defending Palestibe in its capacity as fellow Muslim brothers by making various efforts and possible actions, so tha Israel immediately stops its atrocities againts Muslim brothers in Palestine,” he said.

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